The Next-Generation of Business Development
Leverage your network, discover the best potential warm introduction, and exist in any channel that you prefer
It Has Never Been More Important To Create A Way To Meaningfully Connect Online
BD.xyz supports teams in finding and closing their next deal. Powering teams go-to-market through any platform or identity. Drive real results, with real people, and create better ROI than any existing platform.
Fake LinkedIn Profiles
Removed In 2023
Cold Calls Answered
Cold Emails Sent To
Generate A Single Reply
Cost To Generate
1 Qualified Lead
A rapidly growing network dedicated to fostering valuable connections.
No More Conferences
Providing Accessible Scalable Connectivity
BD Is Done Differently
Building Together Instead of Selling
Mass Outreach Is Dying
The Rise Of AI Makes Connection More Important
Decentralized Platform
Connecting Should Go Beyond LinkedIn
Get In Touch 100x Faster For 20x Cheaper
BD.xyz produces the ability to connect with all of web3 instead of just conference attendees. Connect with more people than the side-event circuit, at scale, for a fraction of the cost of traveling.
Decentralized Network Prospecting
BD.xyz goes beyond the limitations of centralized platforms. Enabling users to own their network, regardless of the channel. Building a network of valuable, verified, and new data for GTM teams.
Leverage Your Network and
Connect with the Best in Web3.
Import Your Professional Graph
Connect your company, contacts, and partners in just a matter of a few clicks. BD will analyze your graph to provide best-in-class connection analysis.
Verify Information
Validate Your Insights
BD will make recommendations for immeidate connections based on the data available. Provide more context to fine tune the results.
Unlock Connectvity
View The Hidden Network
Producing public and private networks, users have complete control over data access. BD produces valuable connection opportunities with proven results.
Connect In Meaningful Ways
Constantly improving various mechanisms and channels of connections, BD optimizes for resutls. Backed with detailed reporting and insights for GTM teams to take the guesswork out of scaling.
The Scale of the Network
Professional Connections
Professional Profiles
Verifiable Accounts
The Relationship Layer of the Internet
Apply to join the beta, a curated network of the best professionals in web3. Receive high-quality warm introductions, grow your network, and create meaningful opportunities for your business.
Join The Private Beta
Frequently Asked Questions
What Does 'Import My Professional Graph' Mean?
BD.xyz is uniquely built on top of the 3RM.co data layer. By connecting BD and 3RM together, your professional graph will appear in minutes.
Who Can See My Professional Graph?
As a default, no one is able to see this data. Until you engage within the ecosystem, this will remain private to you and all others in the beta.
How Are Connections Made?
Right now, the team at BD.xyz is working closely with teams are variety of different mechanisms for connections to discover the best ways to facilitate meaningful connection.
Where Do I Receive Introductions?
As a part of onboarding, you'll be able to designate where you would like to receive your updates. You won't need to create a new account or use a new tool.
How Do I Track The Introductions?
All private beta members are assigned an account representative to ensure the performance of the network. Your representative will maintain updates.
How Does BD.xyz Make Money?
The private beta is a free as we are working to build the data layer for more applications. We aim to offer premium services over the next couple of weeks.